March 14, 2011

Words To Shoot By: Turquoise... The Outtakes

Dave and I both participate in the Words To Shoot By project. Every other week we are given a word and instructed to take three photographs of our interpretation of that word. This week's word was "turquoise." My photos are on the top and Dave's are below. Lots of times we end up with photos that don't quite make the cut. Out of focus shots, photos that don't completely go together, bad lighting, images that you look at the next day and think "really, what was I thinking?" Below are the outtakes from this week's Words To Shoot By.

My shots, taken with a Pentax k1000 with Ektar 100 film:

Dave's images, taken Olympus XA2 with Fuji Superia 400:


  1. Your outtakes rival my best intentions! <3 the flower/nail polish photos! Swoon!

  2. I love them. I love them so much! It's my favorite color... You have beautiful hands, Whitney. Is that your aqua car? I could so see you in that car...

  3. Thanks Mia! I get my long Swedish fingers from my dad.

    The turquoise Mini Cooper is sadly not mine. I do actually drive a Mini though - a newer silver one I named Agent Cooper after Twin Peaks :) The Mini in the photos is three blocks from my old apartment and I refer to it as my car's "dad." Nerd secret: revealed.

  4. Oh my. The shots of your nails with the blood orange / ranunculus is soooo amazing!

  5. Somehow I just knew you two would come up with the coolest turquoise stuff. These are all beautiful.

  6. Just came across your images via Bree Walk (Citrus Hearts) on Flickr. Love your blog. My sweetie and I live in Portland too and have an affinity for photographing our life!!

  7. I love this pop of colour you chose. Lovely shots indeed.

  8. they're all so great!

    and i am extremely envious of your copy of anthology. i'm afraid that the USPS is going to mess up forwarding my copy to my new address. =(

  9. the color turquoise is oh so photogenic. great shots guys!

  10. Love these "outakes" as you adorably refer to them :)

    Question: Your cool looking gold zig zag ring, WOW! Can I get some info on that? :)

  11. Hayley - My friend Kelly brought the zig zag ring (which is silver) back from Mexico as a gift when we were high school. It's at least 12 years old and I've worn it so much it's cracked all the way through on the bottom. The other more detailed ring was my grandmothers.
