July 20, 2011

Berry Nice.

A few Saturdays ago, we headed out to Columbia Farms on Sauvie Island for some strawberry picking. Tanned shoulders, sticky hands, happy bellies. Later in the day I turned some of the strawberries into a balsamic berry jam that we spooned over vanilla ice cream. If you'd like to make the jam yourself, you can find the recipe on our friend Kim's blog.


  1. Wow, those strawberries look like regular-sized strawberries! The ones my boyfriend and I got a few weekends back at Kruger's were teeny tiny.

  2. After two years in Portland, Chris and I are FINALLY going to ride out to Sauvie Island and go berry picking next weekend. These photos are makin' me stoked. I'm stoked right now!

  3. Can't believe I've never picked berries at Sauvie's.

  4. Ah! I am so happy you pick at Columbia Farms, the farm is owned by my Aunt and Uncle! Crazy to see a mention of somewhere I grew up picking berries on this webpage!
    Glad you enjoyed the strawberries, you should head back for the blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries that will be in soon.
