November 7, 2011

Tintype Portraits.

There were only a few places in San Francisco that we really wanted to visit while we were there. One of those places was Photobooth. Featuring all things analog, it's pretty much the coolest space on the West Coast. A gallery space, analog photo shop (they sell Impossible Project film!) and portrait studio all in one, they specialize in making tintype and polaroid portraits. The tintype process still escapes us a bit, so to learn more about it click here. Our tintypes were taken on our last evening in San Francisco. From start to finish, the entire process only took about half an hour, but we were having so much fun talking shop with owners Vince and Michael, that we ended up staying a couple hours. If you find yourself in San Francisco soon, be sure to go get tintyped. You won't regret it.


  1. This is high on my "want to do" list! Yours turned out great guys! What a bunch of good lookers!

  2. Those are fantastic! There's a place in Gettysburg (about 45 minutes from our house) that does tintype portraits ... It's on my "to do" list, too!

  3. So freaking awesome!
    You both look gorgeous.

  4. Oh, I might need to visit while I'm here in SF!

  5. I ACHE FOR THIS. You two make my life full of jealousy.

  6. oh god. i just started working for lomo and we had an event here thurs...michael was kind enough to offer me a portrait. i look seriously godawful!!! yours turned out beautiful.

  7. Those are amazing! I completely want to go to that store. Would it be silly to go to SF JUST to go to Photobooth?

  8. I love it. Yours looks great, Whitney!

  9. gaaaaa! these are amazing! i've been curious about this method for a while, thanks for the link! i'll have to hit up that place when i'm in SF! xo
